Chapter 10: Species-group Nominal Taxa and their Names

Article 48. Change of generic assignment. An available species-group name, with change in gender ending if required [Art. 34.2], becomes part of another combination whenever it is combined with a different generic name.

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FranciscoWelterSchultes   This Article is very important and useful, but it is not found in the Code when people are looking for the information. There had been a discussion on the Taxacom mailing list in May/June 2010, on the question which definition should be used for the term "synonym" in the English Wikipedia site, but nobody found this Article (they were all trying to consult the Glossary). It would be useful to provide some links to Art. 48, and to make clearer that it is the the species-group name itself, with which something is happening during the action of another combination, and that it would not be in accordance with this Article to say that when combined with another genus, the species-group name would stop to exist and a new species-group name would be created (as the definition for "synonym" in the Glossary would suggest, when, as currently done, the expression "of the same rank" is used).

Proposal for an amendment here:

"Article 48. Change of generic assignment. An available species-group name, with change in gender ending if required [Art. 34.2], becomes part of another combination whenever it is combined with a different generic name. During this action the species-group name will not become a synonym of the same name combined with the previous generic name.
2010-11-09 19:15:42

Article48 (last edited 2009-04-27 12:42:03 by localhost)