Editing conventions

ICZNwiki is initially structured so that each Article occupies one page, to be edited into the text that ultimately will be used in the fifth edition of the Code. The software provides several helpful tools:

Anchor(Formatting)Formatting conventions

Wiki conventions make it difficult to entirely reflect the pattern of indenting and line spacing found in the printed or online versions of the Code. Instead, for legibility in the [:Origin:starting text], Examples and Recommendations are indented to the same level as the Article or section thereof that they relate to, and all Article numbers in headings are rendered in boldface. (See ["ICZNformatting"] for instructions.)

The Code does not entirely follow the conventions for use of italics that might be expected in technical writing in English. The use of italics in the ICZN Constitution is closer to the normal usage.

In the Code and the Constitution, italics are used for:

The "Code" and Constitution are not consistent in use of italics for

The Code does not italicize

Consensus guidelines for use of italics in the fifth edition must be developed as part of the function of ICZNWiki.

["Preamble"] | Articles [:Article1:1] [:Article2:2] [:Article3:3] [:Article4:4] [:Article5:5] [:Article6:6] [:Article7:7] [:Article8:8] [:Article9:9] [:Article10:10] [:Article11:11] [:Article12:12] [:Article13:13] [:Article14:14] [:Article15:15] [:Article16:16] [:Article17:17] [:Article18:18] [:Article19:19] [:Article20:20] [:Article21:21] [:Article22:22] [:Article23:23] [:Article24:24] [:Article25:25] [:Article26:26] [:Article27:27] [:Article28:28] [:Article29:29] [:Article30:30] [:Article31:31] [:Article32:32] [:Article33:33] [:Article34:34] [:Article35:35] [:Article36:36] [:Article37:37] [:Article38:38] [:Article39:39] [:Article40:40] [:Article41:41] [:Article42:42] [:Article43:43] [:Article44:44] [:Article45:45] [:Article46:46] [:Article47:47] [:Article48:48] [:Article49:49] [:Article50:50] [:Article51:51] [:Article52:52] [:Article53:53] [:Article54:54] [:Article55:55] [:Article56:56] [:Article57:57] [:Article58:58] [:Article59:59] [:Article60:60] [:Article61:61] [:Article62:62] [:Article63:63] [:Article64:64] [:Article65:65] [:Article66:66] [:Article67:67] [:Article68:68] [:Article69:69] [:Article70:70] [:Article71:71] [:Article72:72] [:Article73:73] [:Article74:74] [:Article75:75] [:Article76:76] [:Article77:77] [:Article78:78] [:Article79:79] [:Article80:80] [:Article81:81] [:Article82:82] [:Article83:83] [:Article84:84] [:Article85:85] [:Article86:86] [:Article87:87] [:Article88:88] [:Article89:89] [:Article90:90] | ["Glossary"] ["Appendices"] ["Constitution"]
